Saica Packaging in Hartlepool has asked for our professional opinion on the problems they are having with roof leaks affecting their electrical control panels and production lines inside the factory.
We have completed a number of successful repairs to their flat roofs using our preferred 'Liquid Rubber' scrim tapes and hand applied rubber system.
The section they are now having problems with is a 6,500sq.m flat roof, comprising green mineral felt and stone chippings, laid in the mid 70's. We are proposing to remove the chippings, power-wash the whole area to rid all standing dirt, apply Geo-Textile scrim tapes to felt joints then apply Liquid Rubber, ran through a spray system. This product is unique as it is water-based, not petroleum or oil based like other systems, thus allowing production lines below being able to carry on without the fear of health risks or damage to sensitive equipment or products. The run-off to drains is also a 'green' alternative.....helping to save the planet!